Web AnimeHour



        This website was made by Gerald T. Borja,
BSICT I-A student of Surigao State College of Technology and a permanent resident of Surigao City, Surigao Del Norte, Philippines. This website was made to share my knowledge and research about some of the latest anime that are currently making its way to popularity (Note: Anime is also spelled anime in plural form).

     The theme of these website was formulated through the various websites that I visited and using the knowledge and tips that I learned from my IT 122 Web Programming Instructor, Mr. Arche Crujedo.

        To my "AFFILIATES" and "RESOURCES" Thank You Very Much!!! for letting me your sites to be accessed and referenced for the success of this website.

        As soon as there are new top anime for the next month or the following months, I will surely add them to this site. It is my pleasure to share these valuable information to the Anime Community. Please WATCH OUT!!!

"Simplicity is the best"

        If you have questions/comments/suggestions regarding with this website please visit the Contact Me portion on the right and access either my Facebook profile or through my Gmail Form (Using Response-O-Matic). Arigato Gozaimasu!!!

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